Symphony aligns with Boomer Consulting Inc.

At Symphony one of our roles is connecting leaders to a larger network of expertise and support outside of our core competencies and capability.

As successful as an accounting firm is, we know key executives are always looking toward the future to ensure their firm stays relevant and future ready. Over the years we've heard from Managing Partners, CIO’s, COO’s, IT, Business Development, Marketing and Finance executives that the challenge of maintaining success while also being positioned for future growth has resulted in sleepless nights for many of them.

Most cccounting firms struggle with how to grow and maintain relevance. Boomer have developed a unique model that focuses on the five areas critical to a firm's success and future-readiness: Leadership, Talent, Technology, Processes and Growth. Boomer Consulting are launching the first Advantage Circle in the UK on the 30th November 2017. Along with other like minded solution and platform providers Symphony is proud to align itself with Boomer Consulting and the launch of the Boomer Advantage programme in the UK.


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Talk to us about getting your software application platforms working together to support your firm’s organisational objectives and strategic goals…