Build an adaptable database for your practice

With new digital technologies emerging and evolving, it will certainly directly impact on the way you interact with your client if it hasn’t already! Whether you’re using social media channels, email marketing, website or mobile, the list goes on. Your prospects will seek out your services online, social media posts and read reviews – this is where a marketing automation platform with its analytic tools integrated with a Client Relationship Management (CRM) solution comes into its own.

But, first things first, you need to choose the right CRM for your accountancy practice. So, what are the key areas to consider?

Integrating data and processes

A common misconception with accounting CRM systems is that it’s just about serving the needs of marketing and business development. All too often we discover that CRM is just part of the equation when you consider all of the dimensions that make up a Client Lifecycle Management (CLM) platform for an accountancy firm. A CLM solution will encompass all divisions of your practice. Importantly all sources of data, process and policy, need to be integrated into one platform. This means one source to keep up to date with client acquisition, management, retention, cross or up-selling and importantly higher levels of client engagement.

Ease of use

A system with intuitive user experience, such as that provided by SymphonyCRM (powered by SugarCRM), provides seamless integration between the desktop browser and mobile. With enhanced workflow and automation routines your team become more efficient in delivering client outcomes and improving the client experience.

Flexible to future proof

The system you choose should be flexible to future proof your business. The right CRM for accounting firms will give you the control to adapt software and data in response to regulatory change, security needs or future integration needs. It has the ability to absorb outdated legacy systems and processes thus eliminating data silos.

The platform must also give you a bigger picture of your existing client’s needs. From the lead through to client management, the team needs access to as much data as is possible. This enhances the client experience.

Take the next-step

At Symphony, we work with you to coordinate data and processes within a CRM platform so that the database is unified, up to date, and everyone is happy to use it. To maximise your business opportunities, integrate with marketing automation to allow you to create, operate and maintain automated processes. With so many in the accounting firm linked to the same clients, you can deliver a consistent and seamless service in real time. Make your practice stand out from the crowd and impress your clients with your approach.

Get in touch to chat about CRM for accountants.

Our library of solutions

We maintain a comprehensive ‘library’ of solutions, from which we can mix and match the right elements to build a truly bespoke solution. Talk to us about CRM, Marketing Automation and accountancy Practice Management.


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