Implement mobile solutions for remote working

A recent article on the BBC cited that emails while commuting ‘should count as work.’ The study of 5,000 rail passengers on commuter journeys by the University of the West of England said that the wider access to wi-fi on trains and smart phones extended the day for workers. The research goes on to question whether this is an infringement of an employee’s own time as work emails are being sent on a daily commute.

With half of the UK workforce set to be working remotely by 2020, the way we work is changing and the traditional “working 9-5” is evolving as the world gets smaller and we do business in different time zones. It makes sense to implement the tools now that will help your workforce and future proof your business. Therefore, if your employees are using this commuter headspace to get their day plan in order, as well as starting to work remotely rather than be office based, you must ensure that employees are equipped with the right tools to help them and to ensure wellbeing.

Some may argue that this “quiet” time helps plan the day or sort an email inbox at the end of the day to make way for a clear start the next. For those in an accountancy firm, where hours can vary with time spent out of the office with clients, being able to work on your mobile or laptop rushing between meetings or at the end of the day can help to give back time. Meaning that employees leave work at the door when they arrive home.

A mobile CRM system and timesheet solution will integrate into any CRM for accountants or accountancy practice management systems allowing employees to use on tablets or mobile phones to log time. For accountants running between offices and meetings, this can really help with ensuring key follow-up actions are recorded, opportunities, and time-sheets kept up to date.

Get in touch today to hear about the latest CRM software for accountants with mobile connectivity and how it can benefit your employees.


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