Breaking through the data silos

For a professional services firm to be effective, its business development, marketing and divisions responsible for client service delivery need to be linked. But, so often, we hear about the challenges of the team not being connected with relevant content that will allow them to benefit from opportune conversations. This is usually as a result of data silos that will have formed over the years. So how can firms breakthrough and eliminate those silos?

The challenge that so many firms in the legal and accounting sectors are facing is how to intelligently link insight from all areas to support the business and relationships between organisations, individuals and opportunities.

Overcoming the data silo challenge

Creating a single data entry point for your professional services CRM (client relationship management) will set you on your way to eliminating data silos. Platforms that work in this way allow for easy access, readily available information, logical organisation and consistency across the board. To achieve this the CRM platform needs to facilitate the integration of the other systems that are creating data silos or in some cases eliminate them.

Establishing clear business development processes across your firm will help overcome the challenge of data silos and improve client relationships. With a coherent process, relevant data capture remains consistent so that when the data feeds into reporting and forecasting, accuracy is maximised.

If you’ve been looking to invest in new CRM software for accountants or for your legal firm then a couple of key things to look for in the platform you choose are:

  • That it engages all relevant teams, such as business development, sales and marketing, to ensure new opportunities are nurtured
  • The ability to create personal business plans for key personnel so that they are more focused. This means time is applied to the actions and interactions that develop relationships and generate results.

Taking a Client Lifecycle Management approach to help you look for the right solution may also be something to consider. Our blog ‘Envision your firm of tomorrow’ has more on this too.

Fast and accurate data

SymphonyCRM features a specific module for professional services firms that manage the relationships between companies, individuals and prospects. With SymphonyCRM, you can leverage your key relationships intelligently, this frees up time by focusing activity precisely to ensure productivity which in turn means more revenue and more profitability to help grow your business. It encompasses other avenues of data linking to records, such as tasks, team members, existing clients, organisations, leads, events and notes. Ultimately, it’s adaptable and flexible to any businesses processes.

If you’d like more information about Client Lifecycle Management, CRM solutions, accountancy practice management and how we work with legal and accounting firms like yours, please get in touch by emailing


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