CRM and marketing automation for effective lead nurturing

Having client relationship management (CRM) software aligned with marketing automation will see professional services firms manage referrals and prospects effectively through a comprehensive method of recording inbound and outbound communication. But what exactly does this entail?

Lead nurturing through marketing automation

Ultimately you want to engage with your prospects and leads to build trust over time and in turn do business with each other when they require. With the change in marketing over the past 10 years and more, this has empowered the buyer due to access to more data and channels, the ball is in the prospects court as they will decide when that time is right.

So, in the meantime, this is where lead nurturing and thought leadership is essential. As part of your lead nurturing strategy, when linked with marketing automation you have a powerful combination to enable you to reach your audience at the ideal time - when they want to see the content - rather than it being convenient for you to send it. But how do you know when and what is right to communicate?

Marketing automation for your website

Your website is not just a brochure page, it has the ability to tell you what your prospects want to read about and when. Understand the movements of visitors to your website through marketing automation. If a contact form is completed, a case study downloaded or a newsletter subscribed to, you have the ability to get in touch with them with further relevant content which is tailored, targeted and personalised.

Marketing automation allows you to do this in a timely and efficient manner, whether through response to email marketing, social media, pop-up chatbot and so forth.

With action on your website, such as subscribe to a newsletter, you’ve turned that prospect into a lead interest which in turn can become an opportunity and subsequent client.

By providing added value with this specific content linked to an initial enquiry, you’re building trust.

Quality data

At the core of your lead nurturing marketing automation will be your professional services CRM system with your client’s information and a place to add new prospects that visit your website and to keep track of their activity. But you need to continuously manage your CRM software to ensure you have good quality data and that information is current. This does take work as you need to keep on top of your list to check that you have these segmented into relevant lists to make them more effective.

Linking business development and marketing

Whether CRM for accounting firms or legal CRM, you will be able to keep track of communications so you can constantly tailor and hone your messaging. This is invaluable across the firm and crucial for when you pass a lead to your business development or sales and marketing team. It means the team has all the history to hand to ensure they hold all the cards to turn them into a client.

Our SymphonyCRM (powered by SugarCRM) provides a cohesive link between business development and marketing disciplines to optimise new opportunities. Our software platform includes a specific module for professional service firms that manage the many relationships between organisations, individuals and prospects.

CRM in its most effective form is all about growing your firm and leveraging key relationships intelligently, focusing time and activity precisely where it’s most likely to produce the desired effects to increase revenue and profitability of the practice.

Future growth

While this blog has predominantly been about lead nurturing to grow your firm with prospects and qualifying leads, this process also applies to your existing clients. It’s ideal to inform and shape future communication and services by asking for feedback or perhaps by running a survey to provide industry insight. And, nothing beats a testimonial or referral to help future business growth.

Get in touch with us to find out how we can help your legal and accountancy firm benefit from CRM and marketing automation.

Range of solutions for your professional services firm

We can mix and match elements to build a bespoke solution for your legal or accountancy firm. From professional services CRM to Marketing Automation and legal and accountancy Practice Management solutions, book a consultation to discuss your goals.


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