Envision your firm of tomorrow

Whether you have an accountant CRM solution in place, or you’re searching for a new one, you will be on the hunt for the right solution that will add value to your business. But, to be able to future proof your firm of tomorrow you really need to understand the current solution or processes you may have in place to get a clearer picture of what you may need. Why would you invest in something new, if you’ve not explored what you already have?

This is where a Client Lifecycle Management approach is crucial – it’s much more than Client Relationship Management (CRM) as it makes you consider a broad spectrum of requirements within the firm.

For professional services firms, such as accountancy practices and legal firms, if you currently have a CRM solution in place, before you even start looking at what product you should switch to, you need to ask some questions. Here’s a starter:

Do you know why your team isn’t using the current CRM as they should?

Once you have the array of answers to this it’s a lot easier to start searching for the ‘right’ CRM for accountants or legal software. It could also flag where training may be required and the solution you have may actually provide the need for your team.

Do you know your team’s processes?

This can really shed light on how technology is used and whether it is fulfilling its true potential. Spending time understanding where there may be gaps in knowledge and what you would need from a new solution, could save you money and time in the future as well as improve the client experience.

Is the team using the current CRM software to warrant you searching for a new one?

If your CRM system is not being used fully, then its true value will not be known. If you can illustrate how the solution can save time with monotonous tasks automated, this is one clear winner, plus it’s a great time to highlight that introducing a new process isn’t so daunting.

Have you exhausted all you can from your current software?

Again, how can you know if you need a new solution if all avenues have not been explored? If you find you’re asking this question then you need to take a step back and ask why you’re choosing to invest in new technology.

It’s also a good time to start thinking about the technology provider you’re looking to partner with. Yes, that’s right it’s a partnership, it’s not about buying a product off the shelf. Simply changing technology will not be a success without enhancing internal processes. With the right technology partner, you will have ongoing support to help the team use the technology.

Get a deeper understanding of your firm

Platforms that embrace flow, that support behaviour change and process, will develop assets that an accounting or legal firm of tomorrow will benefit by.

At Symphony – APS, we take a holistic approach with the 8 Dimensions of Envision. It’s the first step any professional services firm should take before technology change. Envision creates a deeper understanding of your firm, it’s component parts and the truly unique business-critical issues that affect your success every single day. Envision uncovers your WHY.

The Envision methodology allows your business to form a focused project team that is representative of the required needs of the firm. This process is conducted through an intensive workshop that focuses on identifying the primary restraining forces the firm faces in relation to the perceived need. Key themes are established to provide context for what lies behind the creation of these forces. It identifies areas of focus and priorities which in turn help define the project scope and subsequent conversations with management boards and the firm at large. Envision allows your firm to establish a common vision against which vendors will be assessed, ensuring control exists with the firm, not the other way around.

Ultimately, the Envision methodology uses the prospect and Client Lifecycle Management approach to create a common focus and language within the project team.

If you’ve found that you’ve been asking these questions within your legal or accounting firms then email us at hello@whysymphony.com.


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