Power of CRM for the individual

For professional services firms, such as legal and accounting firms, to fully reap the benefits of CRM (client relationship management) for the entire client-facing organisation, those who use the system every day must actually want to use it. No matter how grand your plans are for the CRM systems you use, they will fall short unless every user is committed. Getting every employee on board who support clients’ means giving them a solution that works the way they do – as individuals.

Each individual needs to see the system as a personalised, powerful tool to perform his or her job more effectively. Then, the organisation can start to behave as a single, organised entity towards every client.

A system that individuals actually want to use has to render information quickly and easily. To start with, users should see all of the most relevant information about a client on a single page without having to navigate several windows or screens.

They must be able – from a single system – to use and share data easily across departments, including business development, to foster a culture of collaboration. Individuals need an easy way to make the system their own, configuring it in just a few clicks without involving IT resources.

Additionally, they should also be able to consume data from their own social media and professional networks right inside the system to connect on a more meaningful level with every client which helps with improving the client experience.

And, CRM solutions for the individual must be highly mobile. Not only must the user have access to their data anytime, anywhere, but the experience must also be uniform across every device.

Users should not have to learn how to use a different system for every touchpoint. The experience must be simple and consistent, yet powerful and effective regardless of device.

By deploying modern, CRM software designed with individual users and individual organisations in mind, you can take a giant leap in the right direction. The good news is that the ease of today’s cloud based technology makes it, even more, cost-effective and painless than ever to get started. When the technology works the way you work, and within your budget – your only limitation is your imagination.

We offer comprehensive business transformation for professional services firms such as legal and accounting practices. We aim to see the whole picture. With our Envision methodology approach, we run an initial workshop to analyse and understand all the issues that are holding you back. It’s not just about CRM for accounting firms or legal CRM, we’re here to build a coherent, comprehensive transformation strategy aligned to your business ambitions – that’s why you’ll hear us talk about a client lifecycle management (CLM) solution.

If you would like to find out more about the Envision methodology and how it can help your accountancy practice or legal firm, get in touch via email hello@whysymphony.com.


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