Price Bailey and Symphony reach a landmark agreement on Practice Portal

As of July 4, 2019, Symphony acquired the exclusive global rights to market, develop, deploy and support Practice Portal in the Accounting and Legal professions.

“We’re big fans of Practice Portal across our entire firm. It has helped us get a clear, precise view, in one place, of all the activities we have with any one of our clients”, said Jamie Gladstone, Partner and Head of Finance and IT at Price Bailey LLP, adding “It’s delivering exactly what we wanted.”

Brian Coventry, Symphony’s CEO said: “We have been in the business of providing Client Lifecycle Management platforms into the Accounting profession for many years. Practice Portal is a platform which allows a firm’s users to see a summary of all interactions with their clients, but without having to invest in the full licence fee of an Enterprise CRM like SymphonyCRM or Salesforce. Practice Portal provides the perfect way to put the right tools in the right hands at the right price”.

Practice Portal has been built with integration in mind from the outset. It can collate data from a wide variety of platforms including, but not limited to, Practice Engine, APS PM, CCH, Intelligent Office, Outlook, Exchange Server, Virtual Cabinet, Companies House and Salesforce.

“We plan to accelerate development on Practice Portal to widen the integration further still and have already started to work on client projects alongside the existing team”, explained Brian Coventry.

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