Brian Coventry announced as speaker at Virtual Summit

Our CEO, Brian Coventry, has been announced as one of the speakers at the Virtual Summit. This exclusive 2-day event for accountants and financial professionals in both practice and industry, is jam-packed with over 40 expert-led sessions covering people, process, technology and strategy.

How COVID-19 is impacting mid to large tier accounting firms

Brian will be joined by Julie Berry (IT partner, Saffery Champness), Andrew Collings (Enterprise Team Manager, Xero) and Toby Woodhead (Head of Technology, Armstrong Watson).

The session will take place on 13 May 2020 at 10am and is dedicated to how COVID-19 is impacting mid to large tier accounting firms.

With the panel comprising of a mixture of accountants in practice and technology consultants serving the mid-tier group, the discussion is set to cover strategy for implementing remote working, servicing clients and managing productivity.

If you're operating in a large firm this session is designed specifically for you – book your place.

Register for the Virtual Summit

You can register for free to attend as many live sessions as you can over the two days, and you can also upgrade to the VIP access pass for only £10 to receive immediate access to recordings from every session plus additional resources. All money raised from the summit will be donated to the NHS as a group donation on behalf of the community for the work they're doing to support us during these times. We're excited that you can all help us make this a really impactful event.

Summary of speaker session with Brian Coventry at the Accounting and Financial Virtual Summit:

  • Topic: Mid-tier Accounting firm? How are you impacted and reacting to COVID-19?
  • Date: 13 May 2020
  • Time: 10am

Book your place.

Find out more about the Virtual Summit.

About Brian Coventry

Brian is our CEO at Symphony-APS, helping professional firms to be more effective, to improve and grow business value. Particular focus on Practice Management, CRM for accountants, System Automation and Integration. He is also author of the Envision methodology for professional service firms.


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