Brian Coventry discusses our award-winning CRM Software in IAB

In the January issue of International Accounting Bulletin (IAB) our CEO, Brian Coventry, talks about how we help accounting firms implement software platforms including CRM systems and practice management for accountants to enable higher levels of client management.

All too often, we hear about the challenges of professional services firms not being connected with relevant information that will allow them to benefit from the insights that can be gained from having a unified view of client data. This is usually as a result of fragmented data formed over many years from systems that lack integration capability.

The article features case study examples highlighting how we’ve helped accounting firms move to centralised accountant CRM systems. These CRM solutions for accountants are truly integrated, unlocking doors to enable opportunities with prospects and existing clients.

Presented with the CRM Software of the year award at last year’s IAB Digital Accounting Awards, our SymphonyCRM solution is positioned alongside Client Sense, Practice Portal and Advance Practice Management software as our prime platforms. These facilitate the creation of a holistic approach for real time increased visibility of opportunities for accountants.

Read the full article to find out how coordinating data and processes within a modern, cloud based CRM platform can be transformational for your accounting firm.

Or get in touch to chat about systems for accounting and how we can make the whole client journey easily accessible to all your accountant practice – from the lead stage through winning the business to ongoing client management.


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