Using data to drive revenue and win clients

Our CEO, Brian Coventry, talks about how relationships drive revenue in the January issue of LPM (Legal Practice Management) magazine.

Your firm probably has a large network of known contacts, clients and referrers. These relationships are what drive revenue, yet few firms have the visibility required to identify, protect and grow these relationships. Working tirelessly in the background, your firm’s communication systems likely manage hundreds, thousands, even millions of transactions each day.

Using your firm’s communication data to protect relationships and help your firm grow might seem novel or even futuristic, but it really is as practical as using financial data to manage revenue and expenses.

Read the full article, ‘Winning Clients’, in LPM magazine and discover how our Client Sense platform can provide a simple and cost-effective software solution for firms of all sizes. By leveraging existing data, Client Sense allows firms, such as legal and accounting, to quickly and easily enhance their business development capabilities.

Sign up to the Symphony Webinar

Hosted by our CEO Brian Coventry and Phil Lowe, our COO, the webinar will cover 5 practical ways that firms can leverage their existing data including:

  • Business Development
  • Cross Servicing
  • Key Relationship Management
  • Succession planning
  • Maintaining mailout lists and developing event lists

Register to join here Webinar – 18 March 2020 at 11:00am (GMT)


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