Growth opportunities for professional services firms

Relying on busy professionals to manually enter ongoing client interactions, communication and meeting information, has traditionally meant that client care initiatives have simply not had the data or visibility required to support them.

Yet, it’s this visibility of communication that can help professional services firms not only maintain revenue but increase it.

Here, we look at the growth opportunities available to professional services firms, such as legal and accounting, just by gaining insight from the real-time communication already available in the firm – without the need for manual data entry.

Continuity of communication for client satisfaction and growth

In the event of a planned or unplanned unavailability of an employee, it’s key to be able to quickly identify external relationships most likely to be impacted.

By having the visibility of communication, you can quickly identify who else in your firm knows the same contact and may be able to maintain the client or referrer relationship.  

With access to real-time and accurate data, you and your senior management team can identify and assess the relationships held by any given staff member.

This allows you to identify in advance (or post-departure) which external relationships will most likely be affected. This not only helps client retention but improves the client experience, your business relationship and opens the door for growth.

A straightforward, remote deployment of a solution such as Client Sense will give you the visibility of communications that you need to manage this scenario.

Don’t let external staff changes impact your revenue

Businesses are closing, working remotely and key contacts may not be replying. With many businesses coming to terms with the new landscape, and keeping up to date with developments, they’d be forgiven for not communicating staff changes. This can hurt professional service firms though - you’ve built your business and reputation on these key client relationships.

By assessing live communication across all of your client, contact and referrer relationships, Client Sense can detect a ‘drop’ or an absence of communication which may indicate that the key external contact is no longer available. With a contact ‘risk report’ automatically identifying external individuals who have become non-responsive, you can act swiftly to resolve the situation. You can also identify individuals that may be best placed to know what has happened and how to respond.

You can leverage this knowledge and act quickly if an external contact changes organisation. This potentially opens a new and welcome business development opportunity for the firm to engage with the contact at the new organisation.

Targeted cross-servicing  

Cross-serving can be one of the hardest business development initiatives to get buy-in, implement and track but when done right, the rewards are ten-fold.

As many firms using Client Sense today are already doing, your law or accountancy firm can identify the relationships held within one area that have not had contact with another area of specialisation within the firm.

With Client Sense you can easily identify cross-servicing opportunities, track where introductions between groups have been made and monitor the expansion of relationships across groups. These opportunities are quickly identified based on prior contact. The software solution then assesses the best contact internally to make an introduction and identifies where these beneficial introductions have or have not been made.

Visibility for growth

Giving the visibility of real-time communication to your business development teams and client relationship managers, you provide the tools for them to act swiftly for new business and cross-servicing opportunities.

Using Client Sense as part of your client retention programme will deliver superior client experience and will enhance your business development strategy for your firm.

Book a demo with us to learn more about the business growth opportunities for your professional services firm.


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