How to get strategic management information with no effort

In the December issue of PortrAIT magazine, we provide accounting firms with insight on how to obtain strategic management information with no effort.

Whilst 2020 set challenges that no one could imagine, the accounting sector has battled through, rethinking strategy, and accelerating digital transformation.

As we start the year, we wanted to offer readers advice for moving forward and starting 2021 afresh.

So, how can your accountancy firm hit the ground running with a business growth strategy that strengthens and builds on what you have already set in place?

Cleansing data is a good place to start. A data-driven solution such as our Client Sense software can provide your firm with the edge giving you the vital insight into key relationships that are essential for business growth.

The full article covers how you can achieve quality data without lifting a finger to data input. Download the article here.

Data-driven strategic capability

With Client Sense you can rest assured that you and your team, even when working remotely, know who is in contact with who. With real-time communication information you and your firm can perform much more strategically to increase and maintain revenue.

If you are interested in discussing how you can enhance your firm's business development capabilities, please contact the team at Symphony for a Client Sense demo.

At Symphony - APS we specialise in offering products and services for professional services firms that drive growth. Read about other solutions in our comprehensive product library including: accountancy Practice Management, CRM for accountants, relationship intelligence and Marketing Automation.


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