Intuitive software for immediate data visibility

A recent survey indicates that 68% of US employees face at least one challenge with workplace software. This is one challenge too many for the remote workforce right now.

The report by the Harris Poll on behalf of Yoh reveals that staff are facing issues such as regular technology changes, too many software technologies, lack of integration and software that doesn’t benefit their job.

With so many companies having accelerated their digital technology to help steer through the COVID-19 storm, this should not be to the detriment of employees’ ability to do their work. Visibility of data to help teams conduct their role, such as marketing and business development, is key for business success.

One of the biggest challenges from the survey seems to be that technology is difficult to use thus hindering process. For professional services firms this could potentially impact client retention. Therefore, intuitive software with immediate visibility is of paramount importance.

A solution that requires no data input from you or your partners and provides your firm with meaningful and accurate results could be the answer.

No data input, immediate data visibility

Client Sense is a system which transforms external email analytics providing in depth insights into who is talking to whom from your firm. This allows your firm to take a proactive approach to client relationships by using real-time email analytics. It helps ensure the team meets designated communication targets and monitors where they are falling behind.

Once installed on your server it integrates and connects to your exchange or 365 communication platform synchronising connections between your firm and external organisations. Client Sense tracks the recency and frequency of emails and meeting connections between your firm and external contacts.

Intelligent enough to dismiss internal communications, Client Sense does the rest. Within hours you will be accruing real-time data analytics.

Following its remote installation, a brief training session for management is all that’s needed due to its intuitive, easy to analyse graphics. Unlike a CRM system, Client Sense requires no data input from you, or your partners and will still provide your firm with meaningful management information.

Understand the impact technology change will have

For a professional services firm looking to deploy new software technology it’s vital to get the users on board with the technology you are looking to deploy. All too often technology is seen as the solution to issues. Unfortunately, key elements are often overlooked and that includes employees who will be using the platforms. A firm needs to gain clarity of the dynamics within the business that holds it back or restrains it from achieving the best possible outcome. A technology platform change on its own will never deliver optimum success.

With the struggles that employees are clearly facing with technology updates when working remotely, it makes sense to take a holistic view of the company and the solutions already in place. The technology you have already may be right for the firm and your goals. It’s about understanding where employees are having issues and working together to implement solutions that will reach your strategic goals – don’t just focus on technology. Our Envision process keeps firms on track to deliver a technology project that best fits the practice.

By incorporating a solution such as Client Sense at early stages of analysing your technology solutions will give you the transparency across your firm to understand and measure the strength of your key client relationships. It doesn’t just track the relationships held on your database, it’s about all connections enabling your teams to place focus on growth opportunities. With the adoption of this simple yet effective software solution will not only support client engagement but it will help with the successful implementation of any other software solutions for your firm into the future.

At Symphony - APS we specialise in offering products and services for professional services firms that drive growth. Read about other solutions in our comprehensive product library including: accountancy Practice Management, CRM for accountants, and Marketing Automation.


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