Managing and maintaining key referrer relationships

Referrer relationships can significantly drive firm or group revenue, yet these relationships can easily dissolve if overlooked.

Many firms will report monthly or quarterly on fees generated by key referral sources, yet by the time a decline or absence of referred fees is detected, the referrer has likely begun referring work elsewhere. Using real-time data can allow professional services firms to proactively manage client relationships, with no effort or input needed by employees.

But how can you achieve this data-driven visibility, with no additional work?

Data-driven relationship intelligence

The data captured by your systems can help you to understand where there has been a lapse of contact with one or more referrers, potentially helping to protect and maintain these revenue sources. What’s key is gaining the insights from this data, quickly, easily and with no fuss. Especially now that teams both internal and client side, will all be working remotely.

Nurturing leads is essential to growth and this cannot be done without this relationship intelligence insight.

A platform such as Client Sense monitors contact with your key referrers measuring the frequency of the communication from within the firm. This clever new solution specifically for professional services firms, such as accounting and legal, provides the visibility you need to manage, protect and grow the relationships that drive revenue.

Recency and frequency of data

Recency and frequency is essential for ensuring energy is focussed wherever it needs to be. The Client Sense platform allows you to filter to a range of dates to make sure you’re looking at the most recent conversation, rather than data from years ago.

The software solution has a straightforward dashboard which mines communication from collaborative cloud-based solutions such as Office 365. The dashboard gives details of when the last contact was with the client down to minutes and hours, the average contact period and meetings that take place.

Using Client Sense, you can gain insights to see when the last contact with a key referrer was. If your policy is to communicate every 14 days, the Client Sense software ensures you can act swiftly if you see that contact falls well beyond that time scale.

What’s important to realise is that at this point nothing has been asked of your team to input any data whatsoever. All of this data is based on real-time activity.

Business development

If you’re looking to get your software application platforms working together to support your firm’s business development objectives, client retention and strategic goals, get in touch with us.

This legal and accountancy relationship intelligence software could be the solution to help you grow those key client relationships that drive revenue.


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