Navigating crisis with data-driven relationship intelligence

These unprecedented times have highlighted just how critical communication is.

Key during this crisis period is to make contact with the right people at your client’s firm ensuring you can provide help where it’s most needed.

What’s crucial is these connections must be direct person-to-person contact. However, you need to know who the best person in your business is to establish that connection.

Unfortunately, you know that some of your clients will be forced to make changes to their team. You may well have to do the same.

Therefore, you cannot rely on generic outbound emails and lists. You need real time accurate data so that you can have empathetic conversations as to how the crisis is impacting their roles and the firm.

Client retention software

This is where our Client Sense software can help you join the dots and ensure you’re speaking with the right contact to help improve client retention.

With a simple connection, your firm will have immediate access to communication frequency. A straightforward dashboard gives insight into who the key contact within your firm is in relation to specific clients and referrers.

Client Sense can help your firm through this crisis period. Book a demo with us today to discover how Client Sense will:

  • Assess the client relationships impacted if certain staff are no longer available or furloughed
  • Extract live up-to-date contact lists for external communications

Developed specifically for professional services firms, including legal and accounting, Client Sense automatically joins the dots for you, providing you with the visibility you need to manage, protect and grow the relationships that increase client retention and drive revenue.


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