New data-driven client retention and business development solution

Client Sense platform drives revenue through visibility required to identify, protect and grow relationships

Symphony has added a new platform to its core offering of client management solutions. Client Sense – the data-driven client retention and business development solution - is now available for the accounting and legal sectors through Symphony.

Why Client Sense?

Developed specifically for professional services firms, Client Sense provides a simple and a cost effective solution for firms of all sizes. By leveraging existing data, Client Sense allows firms to quickly and easily enhance their business development capabilities.

Client Sense, alongside SymphonyCRM, Practice Portal and Advance Practice Management, forms part of our prime platforms we offer that facilitate the creation of a new centralised approach, truly integrated, that unlocks the doors to enable opportunities with both prospects and existing clients.

The benefits of a data-driven approach

Our CEO Brian Coventry says: Your firm likely has a large network or known contacts, clients and referrers. These relationships are what drive revenue, yet few firms have the visibility required to identify, protect and grow these relationships.

“Through a simple, easy to navigate dashboard, accounting and legal professionals have visibility and insight across the firm's communication system and the ability to quickly see key relationships. So, whether you’re pitching, looking for hires, prospecting or cross-selling, the Client Sense platform can help you capitalise on those opportunities.”

Want to drive revenue?

Symphony will be hosting an interactive webinar facilitated by Brian Coventry and Phil Lowe. The webinar will cover 5 practical ways that firms can leverage their existing data including:

  • Business Development
  • Cross Servicing
  • Key Relationship Management
  • Succession planning
  • Maintaining mailout lists and developing event lists

Register to join here Webinar – 18th March 2020 11:00am

If you’re interested in discussing how you can enhance your firm's business development capabilities, get in touch today.


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