Relationship intelligence insight at AAM Emerge Conference 12-13 August

Our CEO Brian Coventry will be a speaker at the Emerge Virtual Conference by the Association for Accounting Marketing. Taking place on 12-13 August, 11am-2pm (ET) daily, the conference focusses on personal and professional growth.

Relationship Intelligence and your CRM

Attend the conference and join Brian’s session on 13 August at 11:55am-12:10pm (ET) to discover how relationship intelligence - the relationship between a company and its clients - can complement and enhance an existing Client Relationship Management (CRM) platform.

Brian will reveal key insight into relationship intelligence, including changing relationships with clients, monitoring communication goals, avoiding missed opportunities, and maximising cross-servicing prospects.

By taking a data-driven approach to identifying client relationships allows a professional services firm to perform much more strategically. By leveraging existing data, with a solution such as Client Sense, you can understand who the right people are, both in-house and client side, to open up new topics of discussion to improve the client experience and be a key component in your client retention strategy.

See the full conference speaker agenda and register to attend here.

About Emerge

The topics of the conference sessions relate to the current challenges and opportunities within the accounting sector. Gain insight from experts in the field who will cover key issues and help attendees to create strategies that have a direct impact on a firm’s bottom line.

Emerge also offers virtual networking opportunities throughout the two-day event which is an important part of any conference.

It’s a privilege to be a part of this event by the AAM which is a trade association that offers resource for thought leadership, expertise and education regarding firm growth for the accounting profession.

Business development

If you’re not able to attend the event but you’re looking to get your software application platforms working together to support your firm’s business development objectives, client retention and strategic goals, get in touch with us.

Our accountancy relationship intelligence software helps firms manage protect and grow the key client relationships that drive revenue.


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Talk to us about getting your software application platforms working together to support your firm’s organisational objectives and strategic goals…