Relationship intelligence software

It’s impossible to predict the extent or impact the Covid-19 pandemic will have on professional service firms, and more broadly, businesses and your clients, in the long term.

Now, more than ever, clients need their lawyers and accountants to bring them through the uncertainty and navigate complexities, manage risk and protect assets. Or to simply be there to listen.

In the June issue of LPM magazine, our CEO Brian Coventry talks about how taking a data-driven approach to identifying client relationships will provide the visibility needed to leverage a new strategic capability.

What’s important is being able to monitor, manage and report on client interaction – but how can this be achieved accurately and simply?

Read the article in LPM to discover how the visibility that Client Sense automatically provides allows for an entirely new strategic capability. With real-time communication information and 360-degree relationship mapping, you and your firm can perform much more strategically to help retain existing clients, improve client experience as well as increase and maintain revenue.

Client Sense video series

Learn more about the technology and how it can help client retention strategies on our six-part series. If you missed the launch of the first four videos in our series, you can watch them here:

Keep an eye on our blog for the final two videos on the series.

Symphony – APS library of solutions

We understand that no two businesses are the same, each legal or accountancy firm has its own set of unique challenges. So, we maintain a comprehensive ‘library’, from which we can mix and match the right elements to build a truly bespoke solution. Talk to us about our new solution Client Sense as well as CRM, Marketing Automation and Practice Management.

Book a consultation to learn more about relationship intelligence for accounting and legal firms.

Together, let’s propel you forward, armed with client data insight to manage key relationships, explore business development opportunities, retain clients and maintain revenue.


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Talk to us about getting your software application platforms working together to support your firm’s organisational objectives and strategic goals…