The human face of CRM

Professional Services CRM

The 2020 Global Marketing Trends: Bringing authenticity to our digital age report from Deloitte is an in-depth must-read for professional services firm’s leaders. It reveals overarching trends which all focus on “placing the human at the forefront of digital environments”.

We absolutely agree with putting the person first when it comes to managing client relationships which is why a professional services CRM system should be considered at the heart of your operation. Why? Because the software platform should identify the relationships you’re building with potential and existing clients as well as allowing you to see a unified view of all data and information elements that relate to the client file. Improving the quality of the information that you hold for any given client will, in turn, create more opportunities as you gain greater insight into their current and desired outcomes.

Connect and collaborate

By placing the ‘human’ at the heart of your business and marketing communications it will enhance your prospects and your client’s journey. As the Deloitte report goes on to indicate, that means being “authentic” and “leading with empathy”.

It’s also about “meaningful connections”. Take a CRM for accountants, it helps with collaborative working, unifies data and allows access to client information in real-time to ensure you can connect with your clients and leads at the right time.

But, the adoption of a CRM for your accounting firm is not about plug, play and leave it to run its course. It’s about creating a software platform tailored to yours and your client’s needs.

Once you have CRM software implemented, you leverage the insights gained from dashboards and drill through to client records so that you can present that understanding, compassionate and ‘human’ response to your client or a prospect.

Creating a cohesive link between business functions

Our SymphonyCRM (powered by SugarCRM) provides a cohesive link between business development, marketing such as email marketing and social media and client management disciplines to optimise new opportunities. Our software platform includes specific modules for professional service firms that manage the many relationships between organisations, individuals and prospects, referral management, event management and publication management. As important is the engagement centre module that ensures the firm is adhering to the client take-on processes. It’s not a one size fits all solution. It’s software that fits your requirements to the letter.

A cloud based CRM solution, in its most effective form, is all about growing your firm and leveraging key relationships intelligently, focusing time and activity precisely where it’s most likely to produce the desired effects to increase revenue and profitability of the practice.

Book a consultation with Symphony today to discuss your client management requirements.

At Symphony - APS we specialise in offering products and services for professional services firms that drive growth. Read about our other solutions including: CRM for accountants, Practice Management and Marketing Automation.


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