Transition management with Client Sense

In our latest interview in our Client Sense video series, we discuss the role Client Sense plays in managing succession within a professional services firm as well as any changes with clients or the firm itself.

Relationships which have been built up over time can dissolve in an instant as partners leave a practice.

Roles within a professional service firm also change. As such, there can be a lot of transition between inside your firm and decision makers and influencers within your client.

We understand how much effort it takes to win a client, therefore it’s critical that there is a suitable amount of effort, care and energy in keeping your influencers strong inside your client’s business.

Gain insight to monitor transition

Using Client Sense you immediately gain visibility of real-time communication so that you can manage transition for key portfolio changes.

This visibility allows you to manage these critical relationships, understand communication patterns and leverage relationship intelligence insights so that you know who the best person is to be the successor.

Watch the video to find out more about how our Client Sense technology can manage transition to help you maintain key relationships and improve client retention.

Client Sense video series

Keep an eye on our blog for our series of Client Sense videos where we will discuss how visibility of communication can help you to manage, protect and grow the relationships that drive revenue:


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