How to manage key staff changes and protect revenue

Ensuring that clients and referrers do not slip through the net and through your competition’s door is key to protecting revenue in a professional services firm.

We have often talked about gaining visibility of communication to help you manage your key clients through staff transition. But how can this vital visibility be achieved, without impacting on employee’s time and your firm’s bottom line?

Software provides visibility

Our unique software tool - Client Sense - fits the bill.

A simple and remote installation of Client Sense on your server is all that is needed for the software to already be working hard in the background. It connects to your email exchange and meeting connections, both internally and with external organisations/contacts. By synchronising your exchange or Microsoft 365 communication platform, Client Sense immediately shows the communication strength between an employee and contact. This is invaluable when it comes to succession planning.

Client retention strategy

The easy to navigate interface allows you to see which employee could be the natural successor because Client Sense shows who else is communicating with your client. Not only that, but it will also show when the last contact was made and the strength of the relationship. Armed with this knowledge you can make an informed judgement as to who from your firm should work with the client moving forward.

The level of detail is truly insightful. The analytics indicate the person with the next highest level of contact with your client, which may seem like the natural successor.


A ‘transition function’ then allows you to set a start date for the transition period. A chart then plots the frequency of conversations happening – not the content of communication.

The traffic light alert system offers a simple view to alert employees when communication is on target or overdue. It’s a great reminder to keep up the momentum to ensure that the relationship does not wane.

One contact that slips through the net is a potential lost client so this visibility will keep you on track to protect revenue and open the doors for cross-sell opportunities.

Relationship intelligence for professional services

This data-driven visibility will improve client retention as you can track staff relationships while intelligently managing client relationships during departure and successions. Client Sense will give you what you need to know without any manual effort making it truly a proactive tool.

Watch our video for more information about managing transition to support key relationships and improve client retention.

If you think your professional services firm could benefit from this proactive software tool, book a consultation with us to discuss Client Sense.

At Symphony - APS we specialise in offering products and services for professional services firms that drive growth. Read about other solutions in our comprehensive product library including: accountancy Practice Management, CRM software for accountants, relationship intelligence and Marketing Automation.


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