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Brian Coventry discusses our award-winning CRM Software in IAB

In the January issue of International Accounting Bulletin (IAB) our CEO, Brian Coventry, talks about how we help accounting firms implement software platforms to enable higher levels of client management.

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CRM for professional services shaking hands at meeting CRM

The human face of CRM

The ‘2020 Global Marketing Trends: Bringing authenticity to our digital age’ report from Deloitte is an in-depth must read for professional services firm’s leaders.

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Lead Nurturing Laptop CRM

CRM and marketing automation for effective lead nurturing

​Having client relationship management​ (CRM) software aligned with marketing automation​ will see professional services firms manage referrals and prospects effectively through a comprehensive method of recording inbound and outbound communication. But what exactly does this entail?

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Crm For Accounting Computer CRM

CRM for accounting firms

​​​Here, we’ve gathered together reasons why an accountancy practice should consider a fully integrated CRM platform for their firm to help them improve business development and client liaison through a connected flow of prospect and client information.

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Benefits Of Mobile Crm CRM

Advantages of mobile CRM

With an estimated 3.7 billion mobile phone users in the world*, considering a mobile CRM solution could help future proof your firm. Its use not only offers benefits to employees by giving them autonomy through personalised features, but also the business through increased productivity as a result of real-time access to information, and reconciliation and billing capability.

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Businessman Building Staircase With Wooden Blocks Pnz7 Usy CRM

Implementing a new CRM system

Implementing the latest CRM (Client Relationship Management) system at the heart of your organisation could provide the competitive advantage you’re looking for to manage client data effectively while maintaining GDPR compliance.

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